To my Galway Girl: You're an angel for seeing my folks. I told you my mom didn't hate your guts. Well, you know, anymore.
You are now standing in my fort where I did all my big thinking.
This is where I stood thinking about you after the very first time we met.
You didn't look real to me at first. I never saw so many colors on one girl before... but you looked like you belonged out there, all right.
You and all your colors.
Do you remember the first thing you ever said to me?
H: I'm lost.
Oh, you didn't look lost, not to me.
G: So, what are you looking for out here?
H: Wicklow Mountains National Park?
G: Wicklow Mountains National Park. Tell me, how long you been walking for?
H: A few hours.
G: Well, you've probably been in the national park for a few hours, then.
H: Oh, my God. This is a park?
G: Uh-huh.
H: Oh. It's so cold! The paper said it was gonna be warm.
G: It is warm. I know you're lost, but you do know you're in Ireland, don't you?
H: Well, I better head back. Heh.
G: And where is that?
H: I'm staying at a B and B in Dunlougahairy.
G: Dunlagohairy? No, I think you mean Dún Laoghaire.
H: Heh-heh. You're kidding?
G: No. Would I lie to you?
H: Dún Laoghaire?
G: Dún Laoghaire.
H: Okay. Thanks.
G: You're grand. But you're going the wrong way, you know.
H: That way? Okay.
G: I think you quite enjoy this getting lost, don't you?
H: You know, actually, I don't mind so much, not here.
G: So how did you come to be here?
H: Oh, on my way home, college trip. We started in Greece.
G: Jesus, that's a long walk. That's a bad joke. What are you studying?
H: Art. Yeah.
G: Art? Oh, so you're an artist, then?
H: Oh. I don't know yet.
G: That's great. Do you make anything or?
H: I don't know yet.
G: Well, good luck with that.
H: Oh.
G: You... Would you mind if we walked together since we're going in the same direction? I'll stay on this side of the road. Don't even have to talk. Just... Just quite nice, sometimes walking along with someone without talking... ...once you get your feet wet.
At first, the no-talking thing didn't last. Before long, I couldn't get you to shut up. But you were so cute, trying to impress me with William Blake and all your grand plans. I had no idea what you were talking about.... but I couldn't help loving the way you talked.
H: "I must create a... " Something. "... or be enslaved by another man's... " Something. Wait, "I will not... I will not reason or compare. My business is to create... " Something. Oh, God.
G: Did you just make that up then?
H: No, it's William Blake, but I completely screwed it up.
G: No, you didn't, you made it better. I understood it.
I didn't have a clue, actually.
H: All I know is, if you don't figure out the "something," you'll just stay ordinary. And it doesn't matter if it's a work of art, or a taco, or a pair of socks. Just create something new and there it is. And it's you, out in the world,outside of you. And you can look at it, or hear it,or read it, or feel it... and you know a little bit more about you. A little bit more than anybody else does.
Does that make any sense at all?
G: Yeah. You're saying you want to paint socks.
H: Maybe.
I loved you right then and there.
H: Hey, I like this jacket.
G: It looks good on you. Got it on a bet.
H: What was the bet?
G: Heh. I was a few Guinness's for the worse at this point... but a fella bet me that I couldn't get a certain girl... to kiss me without a provocation.
H: What girl?
G: His girl.
H: Oh! Ha-ha.
G: Uh-huh. Ha-ha.
H:How'd you do it?
G: There's nothing to it, really. A fella just has to tell a woman the truth without words. It's like a signal you send out. The woman, she just picks it up.
H: And what's the truth?
G: That kissing her would be the end of life as I know it.
H: Wow. And that's true of every girl you've gotten to kiss you?
G: I could turn it on and off when I was younger and I had no principles. When every girl that I was lucky enough to kiss was the end of life as I knew it.
H: And now?
G: Now I only send it out when I think she might be the one that makes it true.
H: I know where I am now. Thanks, it was really nice to meet you.
G: No, I could walk you into town.
H: Oh, no, it's okay. I know where I am. I know where I'm going. I'll never forget this. Your jacket.
G: No, wait! Wait, wait, don't move.
H: What?
G: Oh, yeah, it's a wild Irish dog.
H: A what?
G:Shh! You have to stand still.
H: Okay.
G:Get close, like one person. And if we separate, he'll feel... threatened and attack our vital parts.
H: What vital parts? All my parts are vital.
G: Shh, shh. We have to stand still. Now, just let him sniff around a bit. Now wait.
H: I'm really scared. Would you put your arms around me?
G: All right. Yeah, that's probably a good idea.
H: Yeah. Do you think we could turn around and face each other without freaking him out?
G: Ahh... Okay. Sure. But let's move very slowly, okay?
H: Okay.
G: Ow.
H: Oh, sorry. I haven't done this in a while. I've been seeing this boy, but we don't do much. I don't know why. Maybe it's me.
G: No, he's a boy who.. doesn't know anything about kissing. That's a man's business.
H: Is it? That was the most perfect... perfect first kiss.
G: That was the second. This is the third.
Some random Sr: Brody, come. Hey, Gerry.
G: Yeah. How are you, Jeff? Hey, where you going?
No, stay. Stay. No, but... You have my jacket.
H: I know, I'm keeping it unless we meet again.
G: I bet we do.
H: That's a bet you're gonna have to win because... if we do meet again then that'll be the end of it, you know.
G: The end of what?
H: Life as we know it.
G: Look, I'm singing at this pub...
H: No, no, no. Don't tell me. If I happen to walk into the right one in the right town... then we'll know for sure, won't we? And if I don't... then that'll just be the most perfect kiss ever created by two strangers and we'll just keep it perfect for the rest of our lives.
G: What's your name?
H:No, no! Wait, no, don't. Don't, don't. No, no...
Life had changed as I knew it. And now it's changed again, luv. See, I don't worry about you remembering me... it's that girl on the road you keep forgetting.
"My business is to create. It doesn't even matter what you do. " You told me that, remember.
P.S. So go home. Go find it. Find that thing that makes you like nobody else. I'll help. Look for a sign.

noviembre 04, 2010
P.S. I Love You - Ireland Letter
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